package com.gain.api; /** * Title: Margin Trader Development * Description: MT WebServices * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 * Company: Gain Capital * @author Phil Cave * @version 1.0 * Date 02 July 2002 */ /** Java Imports **/ import java.util.*; import; /** * MTWebService - provides access to the Margin Trader ASP.NET * WebService. Allows caller to call methods on the WebService * and have results returned in the appropiate Java Object Types */ public class MTWebService { private static String className="MTWebService"; /** Constants **/ private static final String DEFAULT_METHOD ="POST"; /** WebService Methods **/ private static final String SYMBOL_BLOTTER = "Service.asmx/GetSymbolBlotter"; private static final String MARGIN_BLOTTER = "Service.asmx/GetMarginBlotter"; private static final String ORDER_BLOTTER = "Service.asmx/GetOrderBlotter"; private static final String DEAL_BLOTTER = "Service.asmx/GetDealBlotter"; private static final String POSITION_BLOTTER = "Service.asmx/GetPositionBlotter"; private static final String GET_ACCOUNT = "Service.asmx/GetAccount"; /** private properties */ private String host_; private String queryKeyParam_; /** * Construct a MTWebService with the Host and Key Parameter */ public MTWebService( String host, String Key) { // Set the internal members host_ = host; // Must services requires only the key // No others parameters are required, so create the query // parameters on construction queryKeyParam_ = "Key=" + URLEncoder.encode( Key ); } /*************************************************************************************** * Symbol Blotter Routines ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Calls the SymbolBlotter WebService returning a CurrencyPair List; */ public MTCurrencyList callSymbolBlotter() { // Call the WebService String xml = WebServiceUtil.callWebService( host_, SYMBOL_BLOTTER, queryKeyParam_, DEFAULT_METHOD ); // if we do not get a result them return null, error already logged if( xml == null ) return null; // Convert the currency list xml into the appropriate object MTCurrencyList ccyList = new MTCurrencyList ( xml ); // We know if the list has elemets if the static "currencyListInitialized" is true // if so we can return the list, otherwise return null as we did not get any currencies. // @TODO This is very wierd use of static varibale for globalisation, should at least // have factor getInstance methods, not public constructors. if( MTCurrencyList.currencyListInitialized == true ) return ccyList; else return null; } /*************************************************************************************** * Margin Blotter Routines ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Calls the MarginBlotter WebService returning a Margin; */ public MTMargin callMarginBlotter() { // Call the WebService String xml = WebServiceUtil.callWebService( host_, MARGIN_BLOTTER, queryKeyParam_, DEFAULT_METHOD); // if we do not get a result them return null, error already logged if( xml == null ) return null; try { // return a margin object of the xml data return new MTMargin( xml ); } catch( Exception e ) { // Conversion / Null pointer exception probably occured EventLog.log( className, "callMarginBlotter failed : " + xml ); EventLog.logException( className, e ); return null; } } /*************************************************************************************** * Order Blotter Routines ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Calls the OrderBlotter WebService returning a Order List; */ public ArrayList callOrderBlotter() { // Call the WebService String xml = WebServiceUtil.callWebService( host_, ORDER_BLOTTER, queryKeyParam_, DEFAULT_METHOD); // if we do not get a result them return null, error already logged if( xml == null ) return null; // convert xml response into Order List return createOrderListFromXML( xml ); } /** * Create a order list from the XML passed in */ protected ArrayList createOrderListFromXML( String xml ){ // Create the target array list and the xml node parser ArrayList orderList = new ArrayList(); SimpleXMLNodeParser ordersNode = new SimpleXMLNodeParser( xml ); int count = 0; try { // Iterate all the order nodes getting extracting the orders and // adding them to the list String orderXML = ordersNode.getNextNode( "OrderBlotter" ); while( orderXML != null ) { // Increment the count count++; // Create a new order from the order xml MTOrder order = new MTOrder ( orderXML ); // add the order to the list orderList.add( order ); // Get the next order in the list orderXML = ordersNode.getNextNode( "OrderBlotter" ); } } catch( Exception e ) { // Conversion / Null pointer exception probably occured EventLog.log( className, "createOrderListFromXML failed : " + xml ); EventLog.logException( className, e ); return null; } /** [pc] 23/07/02 - Changed to be same as Servlet code * Should return the list even if it is empty // if we did not add any then return null, otherwise return list. if( count == 0 ) return null; else return orderList; */ return orderList; } /*************************************************************************************** * Deal Blotter Routines ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Calls the DealBlotter WebService returning a Deal List; */ public ArrayList callDealBlotter() { // Call the WebService String xml = WebServiceUtil.callWebService( host_, DEAL_BLOTTER, queryKeyParam_, DEFAULT_METHOD ); // if we do not get a result them return null, error already logged if( xml == null ) return null; // convert xml response into Order List return createDealListFromXML( xml ); } /** * Create a deal list from the XML passed in */ protected ArrayList createDealListFromXML( String xml ){ // Create the target array list and the xml node parser ArrayList dealList = new ArrayList(); SimpleXMLNodeParser dealsNode = new SimpleXMLNodeParser( xml ); int count = 0; try { // Iterate all the deal nodes getting the deals and // adding them to the list String dealXML = dealsNode.getNextNode( "DealBlotter" ); while( dealXML != null ) { // Increment the count count++; // Create a new deal from the deal xml MTDealResult deal = new MTDealResult ( dealXML ); // add the deal to the list dealList.add( deal ); // Get the next deal in the list dealXML = dealsNode.getNextNode( "DealBlotter" ); } } catch( Exception e ) { // Conversion / Null pointer exception probably occured EventLog.log( className, "createDealListFromXML failed : " + xml ); EventLog.logException( className, e ); return null; } /** [pc] 23/07/02 - Changed to be same as Servlet code * Should return the list even if it is empty // if we did not add any then return null, otherwise return list. if( count == 0 ) return null; else return dealList; */ return dealList; } /*************************************************************************************** * Position Blotter Routines ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Calls the PositionBlotter WebService returning a Position List */ public ArrayList callPositionBlotter() { // Call the WebService String xml = WebServiceUtil.callWebService( host_, POSITION_BLOTTER, queryKeyParam_, DEFAULT_METHOD ); // if we do not get a result them return null, error already logged if( xml == null ) return null; // convert xml response into Order List return createPositionListFromXML( xml ); } /** * Create a Position list from the XML passed in */ protected ArrayList createPositionListFromXML( String xml ){ // Create the target array list and the xml node parser ArrayList positionList = new ArrayList(); SimpleXMLNodeParser positionsNode = new SimpleXMLNodeParser( xml ); int count = 0; try { // Iterate all the position nodes getting the positions and // adding them to the list String positionXML = positionsNode.getNextNode( "PositionBlotter" ); while( positionXML != null ) { // Increment the count count++; // Create a new position from the position xml MTRealTimePosition position = new MTRealTimePosition ( positionXML ); // add the position to the list positionList.add( position ); // Get the next position in the list positionXML = positionsNode.getNextNode( "PositionBlotter" ); } } catch( Exception e ) { // Conversion / Null pointer exception probably occured EventLog.log( className, "createPositionListFromXML failed : " + xml ); EventLog.logException( className, e ); return null; } /** [pc] 23/07/02 - Changed to be same as Servlet code * Should return the list even if it is empty // if we did not add any then return null, otherwise return list. if( count == 0 ) return null; else return positionList; */ return positionList; } /*************************************************************************************** * Get Account Routines ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Calls the GetAccount WebService returning the MTAccount */ public MTAccount callGetAccount( String login, String password ) { // Call the WebService String xml = WebServiceUtil.callWebService( host_, GET_ACCOUNT, "UserId=" + URLEncoder.encode( login ) + "&PWD=" + URLEncoder.encode( password ), DEFAULT_METHOD ); // if we do not get a result them return null, error already logged if( xml == null ) return null; // create a MTAccount from the xml MTAccount mtAccount = new MTAccount( xml ); // Check the account is valid, if not return null else return the account if( mtAccount.getCustomerCode() == null || mtAccount.getGUID() == null ) return null; else return mtAccount; } }